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Posts posted by Coastrooper

  1. This scumbag has and does nothing with making and selling props.


    He steals other people's armour photos and then tries to sell it claiming it is his.


    This bastard targets my Garrison a lot, but thanks to our command staff he has been detected early and not allowed to rip anyone off. It's due to this early detection that CS has been able to warn all the 501st detachments as well.


    Please don't put the rest of us Aussies in the same basket as this a very impolite person, there is some awesome prop work being done down under.



    I have to agree with Crytpo on this, he has just been banned yet again from RBG thanks to out CS. But now because of him we have had to make more rules yet again :( its not fun for us cadets as this DB keeps showing up and conning people

  2. Hey guys, i will be starting my tk build soon. But I am starting to stock pile a list of tuts, forum posts and pretty much anything I can find to help me out. I like in QLD in Australia, and it gets hot (Even hotter in the cons as they dont seem to have any functioning a/c). Someguys have said they have a vent in the top of there bucket so they have a fan blowing the face and a fan sucking from the back. Any idea on how this would work and where it would be placed?

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