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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by RADARC

  1. Somebody from my garrison is asking to trade his ESB black belt loops for leather colored ANH connection straps. I know that most people have the leather colored straps on their holsters but I didn't think that was a requirement. I went looking and couldn't find any reference that says the connection straps have to be leather colored for the ANH stunt costume.


    Am I wrong? Can I just let him know that he can use his current black leather straps? Just to cut them to match the ANH style. Thank you!


    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk



  2. So I don't have any gap right now.  However as I hope you can see in the pictures, it is so tight around my leg that there is no room to move.  Also my sniper plate pushes back against my knee when my leg is anywhere near straight.  This is not only uncomfortable but also seems to slip under my thigh in the limited walking I have done in the suit.  So I was planning on widening the top of the calves to adjust for this.




    I know that the top of the cover strip is coming off and needs to be reglued.  More pictures below.

  3. I have tried looking for answers to this on the forum but either due to not looking in the correct places or because of forum fatigue from finishing my armor I cannot for the life of me find anything on this.  I have finished my whole suit of armor and can put it on, but after trying to walk in it I have found that I cut my left shin too small.  I’ve been trying to figure out a good way to shim the back of my left shin in a way that will not show but have not been brave enough to try it without asking for help.  Any suggestions on the best way to shim the back of the calves?

  4. Thanks. I didn't get into much detail about the build once I hit a certain point. I honestly forgot to take pictures.


    Good luck on the build. Have fun. I learned a lot through the build. Ask lots of questions if you need to. But you can find the answers to most of your questions if you just look on the forums.


    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

  5. I am proud to announce that I am finally an official stormtrooper of the 501st!


    Not a lot of finishing posts I know. I always forgot.


    Anyway thank you to anyone here who has given me advice on my journey. Now to start the road to EIB and Centurion!


    TK-92012 signing off for now.




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  6. So I still haven't glued the sniper plate on. Still need to figure out the best way to do it.


    The last cover strip on the thighs is gluing now. I'm using some alternative methods to get the cover strip to be flat on the armor. Take a look at the old school books attempting to hold the cover strip flat. Nice heavy rule books.


    I believe I'm very close to doing an initial fitting with the strapping system. Very exciting!


    Also spent the evening watch the new movie! 334921b2d81d515aa039099ec04fa9ad.jpge36ca094f7b497be5836c730f35cd4ed.jpg


    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

  7. I don't know if this has been answered yet on this thread as there are a lot of pages I haven't read.


    I painted my td tube with the recommend spray paint but my tube does not seem to have the same shine as Tony's does. Also I can still see some scratches from the initial sanding. This picture is after four coats.c401fae191420801d97bc224ae50db53.jpg


    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

  8. Ok I have a new question now. After moving on from the thighs I was going to put together the chest and back connections but had some questions on the fitting of those.


    So how is the chest piece supposed to lay? I can fit it up higher, like this.




    Or lower like this.




    It doesn't look like much but it certainly feels different and makes a difference in how the back looks.






    Any help would be appreciated.


    I also have questions as to how to put on the front to back armor straps but that will have to be a different post.


    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

  9. Well, since this is going on nine months since I updated this I thought it was time.


    I have not done all that much in this time. The build got put on the back burner. So here's what I did do.


    Finished the other forearm.




    Finished both biceps and strapped the arms together.




    I'm curious how the ANOVOS strapping works so that's how I'm going to do it initially.


    I also started fitting the thighs but ran into some questions. The thigh pieces do not line up very well.








    Is this common for thigh pieces to be this way? Do I just glue it and force it together?


    Also on the left thigh the raised section on the bottom doesn't line up either.






    Any suggestions for the thighs?


    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

  10. Been awhile since I updated. That's because not much has gotten done. I'm working very slow.


    One, because I want to see how some other builds are coming (ukswrath's http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?/topic/35086-ukswrath's-ANOVOS-TK-build and DBoz's http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?/topic/35115-DBoz-ANOVOS-TK-Build as well as gazmosis' helmet build http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?/topic/35356-Anovos-Helmet-Rebuild)


    Two, and more the real reason, is that finding time has been hard recently.


    With that out of the way. I attended an armor party this past weekend and got some work done. I finished rough trimming the biceps and shoulders and one thigh piece. I also cut most or all of the return edges off of the arm pieces.




    As you can probably make out, I did finish one of the forearms at the party.




    I didn't take any pictures of this process, unfortunately. When I do the other forearm I will. We did it a little bit different then I've heard other people doing.




    First we measured and trimmed, only on the rear side. Then as you can see in this picture we glued three small pieces of scrap to the inside of the forearm pieces. Then after the two sides were glued together with the scraps we glued the cover strips on. Kind of like a partial inner cover strip.


    And yes we did use CA since this was all in one afternoon. I'm thinking I'll use some CA and some E-6000.


    We did put the nips on the cover strips.




    And when there was a difference between the inner and outer pieces the cover strip length matches the longer side, it does not follow the angle between the pieces.






    I was told this is 'screen accurate'.


    This is how far I am so far. Working slow but some day I'll get there. Cheers!


    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

  11. And now the first night of armor building on my first armor kit . . . ever.


    First, my references for starting this build are ukswrath's ANOVOS build thread ( http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?/topic/35086-ukswrath's-ANOVOS-TK-build) and DarkCMF's TK build ( http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?/topic/27561-A-Slightly-Disheveled-Medium-and-a-Pristine-Big-Brown-Box-Arrived-Today---Dark's-RT-Mod-ANH-Hero-(and-Stunt)-Build-Thread ). So a big thanks to them for all their work and knowledge.


    Now on to the trimming!




    The first cut! If you'll notice I have gloves on. Safety first! Mine are cowhide gloves I found on clearance.




    For anyone who has not done this before (like me), this is about how deep my cuts have been.


    Once cut, I knew I was supposed to snap them (score and snap). I was wary the first time doing this. But finally I just kept bending until some of it snapped.






    Here are some good pictures of what I did to snap them. It got easier the more I did it. The long sides were nice and easy, the corners and ends were a bit more tricky. Make sure your knives are tightened or this can happen, with worse results than mine.




    Finally I finished my first piece.




    Though it got easier every piece, three were still mistakes. Luckily they were small ones.








    Finally here is my work for the first night. Not as much as I wanted, but decent for the first time I think.




    To be continued.


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  12. So my BBB day was preceded by the FedEx 'we missed you' slip of paper on the door




    I was so excited!


    The next day I luckily got home from work early and was waiting for the glorious time when the FedEx man would come. I had even made sure to shovel my front walkway that morning just so he didn't have any problems getting my box to me.


    There was a knock at the door and




    It's here! It's here!


    It was about this time that my wife was rolling her eyes saying she knew how much I wanted to open it.


    She had NO IDEA how much I wanted to open it!



    So I knew what to expect since I had seen some threads where people opened their boxes as well as a video. So I went to it.




    My daughter was helping me. She loved playing with the plastic pieces.


    So I finally got ask the pieces out and away from my daughter. After admiring them for a while (as this is my first armor suit) I tried to organize them and lay them out how I've seen in so many build threads. Here's what I got.




    Whoops. More daughter-armor fascination. Here's the real one.




    So I'm sure I messed up something in this. Shoulders on the wrong sides, leg pieces backwards, or something. Someone with an eagle eye can point them out to me so I know.


    Finally I got to play with the helmet. My son wanted to try it on after his nap.




    Watch out for the pantsless stormtrooper!


    Finally me wearing my new bucket.




    Can't wait to start this new journey. And with so many great teachers on this site to help I'm sure I'll be a TK sometime.


    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

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  13. Hi all!


    I live in beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan (where we got 8+ more inches of snow last night) and I'm looking to make a TK costume for the 501st.


    I don't have armor yet but am in the market. Been looking at the forums and will continue to do so.


    Thank you in advance for all your input.



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