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Posts posted by Angeal

  1. Hello,


    I was wondering, as I know it been thrown around with differing points of views on the matter, but I was thinking about getting a throat mic and use it with the Aker amp. Just straight wire it, not through a static box or anything just a straight hookup since my helmet at the moment don't have any of the bells and whistles as to speak of of.


    But, I had a question when I was looking at throat microphones, particularly one I had in mind the IASUS NT3 Throat Mic, that it had many different adapters. My problem is which one of these would work as I hope someone out their with the same kind of idea or an already in place system like this can shade some light on this as when I look at the headset that came with Aker I noticed it only has one strip that is black, that I presume is the ground.


    Any help with this matter is appreciated as I hope this works for the headset starting to become a bother, especially when i take my helmet off and on and have to constantly try to re-adjust the mic piece among the headset in my clone helmet is pretty much a losing battle due to how close my face is the visor.


    Any help will help me out allot with not only this costume but other costumes as well I had in mind.


    Here a list of adpators that IASUS has, as I figured it would be a single pin jack as I kind of leaning towards the Iphone one but I don't have an Iphone to match it up to, have a Droid.


  2. Hello,

    I am in the process updating my armor as I figured the first place I would start is the helmet due to a number of reason, the biggest is it was my first helmet I built and I did not do such a good as a job on it as I would have liked in retrospect that and its a FX helmet that seen better days.


    The biggest question after going through the forum and reading threads on helmet sizes and getting somewhat conflicting statements and reading on what needed to move up in the ranks as they would say is a more accurate helmet, hope to go for it here and MEPD. Knowing this and knowing my head size, 22 inches around and a glasses wearer, I was looking at a RT-MOD helmet as I have tried on some of the other helmets mentioned in the threads and found them uncomfortable due to how claustrophobic they are or that I had major problems getting it off, I have actually had my head stuck in one at one time when trying on a friends. As I could wear my contacts, but again I have had some problems getting the helmets off as one I had to turn side ways and have apart of it press my eyeball into its socket to get off.


    Any advice in this subject very much welcomed as I am staring at my FX helmet that just begging me to retire it as its seen better days.

  3. I usually transport my stuff in one of those hardshell golf bag carriers due to, at least for me, its easier for me to get it into places with less of a headach like places through narrow doorways or very crowded areas like at conventions due to it allot more slimmer than what I use to carry my stuff in, a Stanley portable tool bin. On top of that it seems to be more balanced when I pick it up by the handle that I can carry it up stair by it without problem if the place we are trooping don't have a readily accessible elevator.


    For it allows me me, depending on how I pack it to fit all my pieces in, an e-11 with holster and all my soft parts and a change of cloths / under armor in a small plastic curtain bag I use to hold it. Among my amp and mic set up, also helps me when I carry my MG34 in its guncase as well as I'm not fighting with two things or trying to put one on top of the other as I can just carry my guncase. That and if I ever have to fly according to most airlines its approved for flight as long as it can lock from which I last checked.


    In the future thou, I have been thinking of using one of those large military sniper backpacks to carry everything on my back including my MG34 as some are long enough to fit it in without no problem. Especially when I go to conventions, as some of them the lobby is pretty packed with people and I usually have to be the one checking in as sometimes the people I am rooming with don't ant to watch my stuff for the little time I am checking to get the room key.

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