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Posts posted by whiteandnerdy

  1. I was mostly considering AM for both the cost and because I'm a "wide" person. I'm 5'4" tall, but I'm 230 lbs. That is changing (slowly), but it looked like I would only need to shim the thighs, and the rest would still fit around me. From reading, it seems like cutting away plastic to make it shorter would be easier than shimming most of the pieces. I will look into ATA, though.

  2. Hi! I'm a short chick that wants to be a stormtrooper. In the past I have done costuming, but nothing involving armor. I've met up with 501st members at a few conventions in the Midwest, which is what has led me here.


    I've started reading the forums quite a bit, and I may be ready to start pricing out armor sets. I think the plan is to go with AM at first, and replace pieces of it with something higher quality as I go. I want to get a really nice helmet from the start, though, because that's what people will notice the most.


    I've read through pretty much everything that is pinned on this board, but of course if there are other topics that have escaped pinning that I really ought to read, feel free to point me in the right direction.

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