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Nico Fett

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Posts posted by Nico Fett

  1. basing on fett-fit, everything seems too big. the vest needs to be really tight fitting and tailored to you, and the armor then needs to fit that just right. otherwise it comes out all wacky looking.


    I havent tried attaching my plates to the new vest yet, its a tighter fit as it velcros in the back instead of the sides as seen in the pictures. From the back i am able to tighten it or loosen it as much as needed.


    I've also got to figure out how im gonna attach my cod and thigh plates, as well as my holsters for my Westar variant pistols onto my belt.


  2. my first boba suit was HUGE on me. it took a lot of tweaking to get right :)


    you'll have to forgive my canonness... to me everything is boba, jango or vizsla.


    boba's armor vest stops at about the belly button, and the armor is a bit shorter than that. it doesn't come all the way down to the waist. i think that's why yours looks big. i'm expecting the armor to stop a lot higher on the chest.


    the shoulders on boba start way further down on the arm... they don't stick up over the top of the shoulder like that.


    if you want to stray from that there is no reason not to. but, i figured it was worth mentioning.


    good call on adjusting the visor. that will make the helmet look a lot better.


    i like the rifle! the color scheme works well on it.

    So do you think mercs/501st would be acceptable with the shoulders moved down farther? Main thing that bugs me when i look at my vest is the armpits, thats the main reason that it keeps getting reworked. Just keeps bulging out on the sides :(

  3. the fit of the armor seems off... like the plates are too big for you. the vest also seems really loose... most mando vests are tight. my boba and vizsla ones are "suck it in and don't breath" tight :)

    These were from halloween, my new vest is constantly being tailored by my nana. The plates for the shoulders are the biggest ones, while i actually kinda like the way that my chest plates cover my full torso. I may need new shoulders eventually though.


    I need to get some new pics taken of it all assembled, waiting until i finish reworking my visor. Had to de-warp the T area because its to wide in the pics.

  4. Here are a couple pics from my mando build:


    (Those gaunts are only for halloween, can't use that material for applications)



    (The black stripes still needs to be weathered)






    My balaclava


    and how nicely it covers my neck



    And some things that I plan to add:

    Eventually gonna add a orange pauldron


    And TE2 shins that I'm gonna buy from MightyTank





    The kit is in no way perfect, but it's on the way to getting done. The plates were a little off on the vest, because i don't have velcro holding it yet (just tape in the pictures). And I need a new visor in the bucket because it's WAY to wide.


    Hope you like it so far, the complete WIP thread since the begining is on the Mando Mercs site: http://mercs.firespray.net/forum/index.php?topic=29764.0

  5. I'll be honest, I'm a member of the Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club before a trooper, but both sides do have their downsides. Personally I chose to do a mando first merely because I liked them more. As well as the "mando-ing" aspect of custom paint jobs, it helped to get to do my first foray into costuming the way I wanted it to look.


    And yes, there are members of the mercs that I sometimes wonder how they got in, or why a Hot Wheelsesque painted helmet is ok. And then there are people who look pretty mir'shebs in their beskar'gam.


    But looking at the mercs CRLs and work done by the members, then looking at a few 501st Boba's whose coloring is not even the same green, it just made me want to do mandalorians justice jn my own way.


    On te other hand I've always liked the stormies, the armor is awesome looking and the weapons are killer looking (even if they can't do jack squat with them) I just favor the idea that you get to choose your own paintjob, and make a backstory to go with every dent and scratch your merc had come across.


    And truly never have liked the idea of trooping with a painted nerd gun. My current sidearm was a mixture of parts that I added together and gave a nice black paintjob to it. That way it has a more blaster feel.


    Soooooo yeah, that's my take on the comparisson. Sorry for going against TKs to favor mandos, don't shoot me (not that stormtroopers could hit me. Sorry I tried to resist that I really did :D)

  6. I've got everything but the lower half of the body, but should be getting those soon.

    Here's a couple pics of the beskar'gam so far:

    For some reason i dont have a pic of the armor and finished helmet at the same time.








    And just for the fun of it, here's a picturef me drawn by my 8 year old cousin :)


  7. Su'cuy Gar vode,


    Name's Nico Fett, member of the mandalorian mercs costume club and eventually gonna apply to the 501st as a bounty hunter.

    Figured i'd look around on your forums, because i'm thinking of adding some stormie shins to my kit. As well as really want to do an E-11 for my primary weapon.

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