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Posts posted by Valegon

  1. Going to jump into this thread as there's some good info here and my question is more or less the same. Plus I'd rather not add to the list of threads when there's one present.


    What I'm looking for is roughly the same as what was mentioned at the beginning - not overly concerned with it being THE MOST accurate available. I've read through the 'different types of armor' and it mentions body builds such as (5'10" / 165lbs) and (5'6" / 115lbs) but my body type is more of a combination of the two.


    5'11" and 120 lbs

    Tall and skinny. Metabolism is still in high gear, trying to gain weight by that's a whole different topic.


    I'll keep my TK nice and clean so shiny would be nice but I also move around a lot so one that can take some abuse won't hurt. The AP kit looks good but I'm not certain if it will work for my build. I checked that link referenced above and in one of the images it has what looks like stickers for the helmet (tube stripes, gray patch for dome, etc.) which surprised me a bit. The end goal of course is a kit that is 501st acceptable. Unfortunately I'm not exactly experienced when it comes to modding and such, willing to learn but still new overall.


    I've already made the rookie mistake of getting armor from ebay before I found this detachment, so I want to do it right this time. I'm repenting for it, please forgive me. :(


    Edit for grammar and info.

  2. The Star Garrison was having an event at the local Barnes and Noble. I went to meet some of the members and take some photos of the event. Here's the small version of a few but I took over 100 pics so I put them on a flickr account so you can see them all at full size. I would have taken more but I had to leave early to head into work.


    If anyone from the Star Garrison wants to PM me feel free. I'm not in the 501st so I couldn't take part in the festivities but am hoping these can be put on the garrison site at some point. I even got some sequential shots of the R2D2 dancing to the cantina song... which was stuck in my head for the rest of the day.






    A Han Solo showed up at some point, didn't ask where he came from but don't think the kiddies were concerned about that. :)






  3. I'm going to piggy-back on this thread as my question is somewhat related.


    Earlier today I was at a trooping event that was happening. I was told to swing by to meet some members of the local garrison which was extremely fun. I was told there would only be around three members there which gave me the idea to bring my own camera as it didn't sound like there'd be extra members to take any photos, I thought I'd at least be able to help by getting some pictures for the site.


    Afterwards though I realized, I took a lot of pictures of people with the troopers. People that I don't know and technically I never asked if they would mind if I took the pictures. So my question is, considering I'm not an actual member of the 501st (yet...) am I allowed to display these pictures here or submit them to the garrison to display on their site? Or am I thinking about this too much?


    I took around 115 pictures so there's plenty to share. I was thinking of putting them on a flickr account but want to see if its alright before I do.

  4. Thanks for the warm welcome. I've seen the Star Garrison site and forums but hadn't signed up yet, will do though.


    I don't have my kit just yet, still being delivered. The maker isn't any of the ones known here. It's a fan made suit from someone I happened to find. I hate to say it but admittedly i made a common mistake for beginners and got it from eBay. The feedback looked positive though so I might get lucky but I won't count on it. Either way I probably will be getting another suit later but since this one is already on the way I'm going to take it and learn what I can then apply that knowledge to the second kit. What I spent isn't preventing me from paying bills or anything so 'financial constraints' isn't really an issue here, I just need to be a bit more patient. Live and learn as they say. ^^;


    I found some other threads that also mentioned Under Armor but when I see a fellow Texan also recommend it then I'm sold. Texans know hot weather. Thanks for providing the link about the blasters. I was digging through that section of the forums but somehow missed that thread. Hopefully I'll be able to help the 'new guys' later as much as everyone has already helped me, and in such a few days too.


    I'll get some pictures when I can once it arrives. It's a convenient excuse to play around with my camera anyway!


    Edit for grammar.

  5. Sorry didn't mean to offend any one, was unaware the TK numbers were reserved. I believe the only people who can change a user ID are the moderators, so please can a moderator contact me so I can deal with this error. Thank you and again sorry for offending anyone.


    Actually I think you can change it yourself. I'm still new to the interface but believe I found out where to do it.


    Once you're logged in look at the very top right of the page and you'll see your name just above the search box.

    1. Click on on black box that has your name then choose the 'My Settings' option.

    2. On the page it sends you to click 'Change Display Name'.


    That will take you to the page you need.


    Guiding people through a site via written notes is something I've learned to do at work. Glad I was able to put it to use here. :)

  6. Well the one I got is the Hero version. I can't quite say it is an FX, ATA, TE2, etc. since I don't think its from one of the normal makers known here on the forums. That's one of the possible mistakes that I mentioned before. If I had found come across the FIDS first I'd have some makers the community knows to push out consistent quality, but from what I read when I purchased it I still have a feeling it will be decent, maybe not the best but decent. It's going to turn out to be a learning experience so I'll do what I can to make it work and look nice.


    What I'm still looking for is the neckseal and the undersuit. I've seen people reference TK409 for the neckseal but I'm not certain if he's still selling them so I need to confirm if he does. As far finding the undersuit, I thought it'd be one of the easiest pieces to find but it giving me more trouble that I expected. I'm in Texas and it gets hot down here, so I'd like to find one that won't make me pass out from the heat. I'm going to see if I can find something in the local shops that might work. Technically I need a blaster as well but I'm mainly focusing on the armor. Though I'll see if I can find one of the Hasbro's to 'toy' around with.


    (Edit for proper grammar.)

  7. I suppose it's about time I signed up and said hello.


    The reason I eventually came across this site is because of a silly idea I said one day. I basically said it would be funny that for Halloween I came into work in a Stormtrooper armor - considering I work in an IT company with a bunch of fellow nerds the effect it will make would be that much better. Well I thought about it; "I said I'd do it, so I'm going to." Now I've wanted a set of Stormtrooper armor for quite some time now but the final push was when I remembered what I hard someone once say - Follow your passion.


    Considering the timing having it all together by Halloween might be a bit much. I've ordered my first set of armor but I'm still missing some rather important items; undersuit, gloves, etc. Admittedly I probably did make a few of the beginner mistakes when I ordered the armor but this is my first set so I'm looking at it as a learning experience.


    Overall I'm completely new to the costuming community though I've been a fan of it for a long time, thus I have almost no skills when it comes to making costumes. I didn't find this site until after I ordered it but I've been reading various threads here and found some good info that I can use in the future. Eventually I'd like to enlist in the 501st but for now I'll focus on learning what trooping is like and worry about getting armor that's 501st quality later. I'm hoping that this will help me become a bit more outgoing, after all meeting new people is a lot easier when walking around the city as a Stormtrooper in the middle of the day.


    Though I say I'll worry about joining the 501st later I still read a lot of things on their site - at one point I got so absorbed that I read through the entire Legion Charter. I also looked through the roster to see if there was anybody in the Star Garrison that I knew but alas I saw none. Generally I'm pretty quiet so it may not look like I'm very active on the site but I'll be here gathering info. If there's anybody feels like throwing nuggets of information my way please do so. In the mean time I'll be digging through the forums.

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