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501st Member[501st]
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Posts posted by cockroach

  1. Thanks Rob. Well there is no cure or real treatment for EDS so the people with my type, vascular with hyper mobility , just have to take pills and do some pool therapy. When I go out, I wear different braces depending what I'm doing and what hurts most. Lol. It never gets better and it continues to get worse, nothing my doctors and I can do about it. It's a genetic thing. Doctors say I have a few years left in me before I will need a scooter or anything like that. That is why I was so pushy and in a rush to sell things to get armor. Plus this laying around all the time is BORING.

    Wednesday when I go to my check up and mail some things, the doc might change up my meds again and hopefully we get the right mix cause this morphine is making me weird and zombiefied.

    Looking at TK armor before I started this, I saw some really good ways for different kinds of my braces to fit. I was wanting to make it like an Iron Man suit lol.

    But yeah, that's about it. I started as a TB, but support was not good. Had a bad thing go on in Colorado while visiting friends and my insurance wouldnt cover some things. The only thing I had of value at the time was my TB, so I had to sell it. Have gotten better in some ways, but the mental factor of going out and watching kids jaws drop when we walk in, priceless.

    I'm doped up so I'm rambling so I guess I'll leave it at that, unless you want to know more, I don't mind talking about it. Ok, see ya.


    REALLY! :huh: This is a different story from what I heard when you were an active member in our Garrison. :shok: Wasn't your TB sold to help to bring back the "Firefly" show on Facebook?

  2. Hey, It's been awhile and I've been busy. I've done some work on my TK but it's still needs adjustments. ;) I still need to get some better underarmor and a neck seal. I did try the armor on for the first time this past weekend. I hope to have it finished soon. :D



  3. Thanks everyone for the welcome! :D I've been having a hard time logging onto the website and this is the first time I've been able to post. :blink: I think I figured out what's been happening so hopefully I won't have any more trouble logging on. Here are some pics of my armor.




    I will take some more this weekend with me in the armor. :D I still need to put the shoulder straps on the chest plate and back plate.

  4. Hey, I'm cockroach TB-6559 from the Carolina Garrison. I'm in the process of putting together a TK and hopefully soon will be 501st approved. :D I recently bought a set of TK armor from a fellow garrison member, but I had to replace a few armor pieces. I'm starting to mod it to fit me. I'm not sure if it's an ANH, ESB, or ROTJ..so hopefully since I've just signed up here, I can learn which one I have. :huh::lol: I will post pics soon, I'm putting the chest armor and back piece together tomorrow, the rest of the armor is already done it just needs adjusting. As for the bucket, it's together, but I heard FX is making a smaller version which is a good thing cause right now I look like a bobble head. :blink::rolleyes: Any suggestions or help is much appreciated. Hope to be TK-6559 soon. ;)

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