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Replicant Shadow

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Posts posted by Replicant Shadow

  1. Thanks Ryan and Tim! I have seen some cool build threads, and TM is looking like the logical route. I am floored by the apparent simplicity of the build :) Here's an image of my last build, Clone Commander Bacara (Clonesix) I have attached a couple of album links below:


    Commander Bacara Photo Shoot 2008: http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y29/sbvader70/Commander%20Bacara%20Photoshoot%202008/






    And my first costume build here:

    Commander Voltaire TDH Photo Shoot 2006:http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y29/sbvader70/Commander%20Voltaire%20TDH%20SoCal%20Photoshoot%202006/

  2. I think it's pretty cool that you guys have set-up a workout thread. I am new here, and most certainty will read the entire thread soon:). I myself lost 60lbs (P90X) to fit into a Clone Commander costume two years ago. My girlfriend and I are restarting P90X September 1, and we will most certainly post our progress here. Kudos and good health!

  3. Good day,


    My name is James and I hail from Santa Barbara, CA. I got into costuming 5 years ago, (after attending CIII in Indianapolis) primarily focusing on Clone Troopers. I have decided that if I am going to build a shiny and clean Stormtrooper, it will be the ANH Hero. I intend to build a Sandtrooper first, as to learn the process of TK armor building. I have many projects in the pipeline, currently a Sci-Fire Clone Trooper, a forthcoming Clonesix Clone Trooper (my 2nd), a Pre-Pro Zero Supertrooper Fett, not limited to other prop related projects at this time. I have had the pleasure over the years to befriend a few of you fine folks on the TDH and Clonetroopers.net, and I look forward to making many more new friends :)

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