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Posts posted by SLippe

  1. Thanks, everyone! Terry, I'm a Sooner 100%, even got the tattoo! LOL At least you aren't a Longhorn. Ugh! I have FX armor with FX helmet. I had a MR ANH Stunt helmet, but it was just a bit small for my big ol' head. LOL I really want to do the Incinerator Trooper, so I may go that route soon. I don't know if I'll ever get around to having my SL in the 501st, but I hope so. For one, there is no Darth Vader in the 501st in Oklahoma, plus, SL is my initials. :) I'll be getting a kit soon to make my Hasbro blaster have the proper look (clip, stock, etc.). I don't know if I'll try for EIB, for now I'm just happy to be here as a 501st TK. :) Derek, I live right by Tinker AFB! Born and raised here. Well, you all take care and see you around the forums.



  2. Greetings from Midwest City, Oklahoma! My name is Shawn Lippe, I'm 37 years old (currently) and I am a born and raised Okie. No, I don't own a horse or ride one. I don't wear a cowboy hat or boots. Yes, we have electricity and computers, internet, etc. Okay, okay, enough of that. Star Wars fan since I was 4.5 years old when I first saw Star Wars in the theater. It's been an incredible 33 years! I don't really do other sci-fi stuff, but like it. I am 100% Star Wars! I have two great kids, a 17 year old daughter that is getting ready to start her Senior Year in High School and a son who is about to turn 7 on the 16th of this month. I'm a former Marine. I have just owned my TK armor for a couple of months and also own (now no grumbling!) a Rubie's Supreme Edition Darth Vader that I use at events of a local Star Wars collectors/costuming club here in OKC called JediOKC. I am looking forward to learning as much as possible here, as this costuming thing really is new to me, as I just started about a year ago. Well, guess we better get to lookin' for those droids...

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