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Posts posted by MDG1265

  1. Welcome to the FISD Mike! :duim::salute::pint1: , and I suggest that you talk to the mods about changing your display name, because TK ID number's are assigned to us who have been accepted into the 501st already, so your number could possibly be an active 501st member's number already, just to let you know thats all...if I didn't say it there would be others who would ;)

    Thankyou, some wishfull thinking on my part. After doing some research I figured it would be a good idea to change it anyway, dont want to step on any bodys toes. My day will come :salute:

  2. Hello everyone. I've been a Star Wars fan from day one. When Vader first appeared I was the only one in the theatre who yelled "YEAH!!!!!!!!" :vader1: . As much as I admire Lord Vader, you gotta love the guys in White. I have been doing searches for putting together a Stormtrooper suit, and hope to one day join the ranks of the 501st. A heartfelt thakyou for putting this site together. :trooper:

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