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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by idejducman

  1. Curious as to who made your Pauldron. Pack and Pauldron look awesome. Everyone on this thread has done awesome work.



    Here's my 'Jedha Patrol' pack, I will be trooping the Canadian Premiere of Rogue One in downtown Toronto, Ontario at the Scotiabank Theater December 14th, 2016 and I received special permission from my local garrison's  GML to wear my R1 pack with my OT armor.





    I also had this Rogue One Pauldron custom made in time for the premiere. Extra rows of stitching across the orange colored area & white fabric bottom.




    Here's me wearing the Pack & Pauldron, more photos to come...


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  2. Just out of curiosity and maybe it has been asked, but is the chest plate correct with the spacing between the pectoralis lines? Also, the ab plate and cod are off center on mine. Anyone else? Thats just what I have seen so far. The helmet is not that bad. I would mod that anyway and most likely the whole armor itself.

  3. This may be Beating a dead horse, but I am going to explain why I listed my TFA armor and why it was listed on eBay and not to the 501st.  Basically, I needed the money for a few reasons. 

    1. My beautiful Doberman who we have had for 10 years developed Osteosarcoma.  This disease is nasty. It is cancer and it is painful. Initially, my hope was to have this bone lesion removed, however the location was in her pelvis and crossing her spine.  The treatment was costly and most likely would not help.  Unfortunately I had to put her to rest.  And it kills me.  So while everyone was bitching and moaning and ripping me apart, my dog was dying.  I thank those who apologized privately and I will remember those who have not.

    2. While I was in Anaheim, my $2300.00 fridge crapped out. $800.00 to fix. 

    3. I am trying to purchase a home which requires a large amount of money for down payment.

    4. My dog died.

    So needless to say, I sold my Ducati for pennies, and holding on to my suit.  I didn't feel that charging a fellow 501st member $4500.00 was reasonable or fair hence the reason it was listed on ebay.

    Thanks for your support

    Please do not post anymore regarding this whole sale or thread.  It is done and over, I am keeping my armor because I love it and my financial situation has been taken care of.



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  4. I would like to make a comment on a post made earlier. First let me just say that it is great that someone at Disney wants more accuracy with thier costumes. I am not going to comment on the Disney TK's. It would just be redundant.

    I have to say though that alot of Troopers are bashing the FX Armor. Maybe you are all newer members to the 501st. But you have to remember that that WAS THE ARMOR to have. There was nothing else out there at the time. I have owned many FX armor suits since 1997-98 and if you owned that, you were in. It was the only option. It is understandable that with the new talent out there, there are many options now in Armor Choices. However, armor is not cheap. Many troopers or elders have the FX Armor. Lets remember that if it were not for those crafty people that created the FX armor, the 501st would not be where it is today. Respect the FX armor and its owners.

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