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Lone wolf

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Lone wolf

  1. Now you have found the 501st and this forum you will see why most guys advise against Jedi Robes "ready to wear" Stormtrooper costumes.

    Yes it is the only one you can buy that you don't have to make, a big selling point to new guys.

    Unfortunately the more you learn the more you will need to fix. Boots, belt, gloves,fit,cover strips, joining methods, velcro and elastic, and the rest.

    The Emerald Garrison has had a few guys buy this stuff [before reading anything or before joining]and every one has been weak in a few areas, cracks, even before they take it out of the box . I could believe their's were just rare bad pulls/plastic but when EVERYONE who knows about the alternatives says to avoid, there must be problems with the stuff!

    Ignoring the recasted parts, ignoring the mess of a helmet and believing their description about the product is really common.


    As a Star Wars fan who always wanted a Stormtrooper costume you are exactly the same as everyone here, and like a lot of others maybe believed that JR were selling the best available costume, it has a big pricetag, big shop windows and is heavily advertised, the complete opposite of some of the best armour available.


    Before you buy any other Stormtrooper armour, take a bit of time reading this forum, avoid the early FX kit if you are wanting to go for accuracy.


    There are a few good suppliers of armour, good luck.

  2. Thanks for the compliments guys, yes Paul I could not find any photos for the knee ammo rivets, only the outer side, it was a guess as to what rivets to use.

    I used glue to join the drop boxes to the elastic,I know some originals had no rivets in them. I kindof thought they were later riveted on possibly thorough costume malfunctions? I don't know.

    Yes I had no photograph on how the belt was originally done.


    Any pics to show me will be very much appreciated. Thanks.

  3. Thanks guys, it has been a slow build, mainly because I have so many other things to do.

    I didn't want to do anything too wrong,so the looking and looking at the LFL reference pics,screen grabs, previous build threads, how to's etc kept me away from the dremel.


    Yes Brian Muir was over in Belfast at our Heroes and Legends event, he was a fantastic guest, Michael Biehn, Claudia Christian, Colin Baker and others were there also, but I was only interested in Brian's stories. Yes the autograph was almost on my butt plate, he is a really funny guy, he signed it like this for a joke, I love it!

    I am 5ft 9" so the only thing I have so far trimmed to suit is the shin backs into the V shape.

    Yes the PVC is quite different from ABS, even to glue it was a bit trickier, I used the gel stuff so it wouldn't run all over the place.


    Overall I think this armour is as good as it gets, the flaws, warps, bumps and twists are very accurate. It is great we can finally have a Star Wars Stormtrooper costume so close to the originals.

  4. I bought one of these, it comes with ESB loops and pre assembled as ANH, thick leather, well sewn, seems very accurate to certain screen grabs and the blaster fits very wel in it, no struggling to fit it in.


    Order took two days to receive. Very good seller IMO.

  5. if you can post a comparison between the accounts it would be a fun read!


    It is hard to keep up with the changes, the main give away was the tear detail, he had no idea about this until recently as his copy didn't have it as it was taken off that mold. His reasons were amusing.

    I have a theory about the Hero lid, yes the stunts were rough, HDPE reacts very badly with an apparently smooth buck, every little dunt is exaggerated. To vacform over existing molds with ABS would make it better.Possibly the initial molds were damaged, a new recasted mold was made from a helmet and the new one was a bit fatter due to a poor recast. I don't know what happened back then but I won't be going to AA to hear his version of events.

    Yes maybe you are just playing the antagonist by saying AA won, the full court case really makes it very clear to me that AA is not very trustworthy.

  6. I can't believe there are still people supporting AA and his stories, especially guys who have been on here for a long time. Yes he did vacform stuff, maybe he made the ears, maybe not but it is getting ridiculous now the new stories he is telling.

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