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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by FEZ

  1. As a 7-12 year old when the OT came out. I could not tell the difference between the 3 films storm troopers and the kids today will just see storm troopers up on screen. <br><br>

    The general public can't even tell the difference between us and the dancing troopers on "Britain's Got Talent" so they deffo are not going to notice with RO

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  2. Different units often have different uniforms. Remember that we really only see Sandy's and death Star stormtroopers in anh and Vader's detachment as a boarding party. We don't ever see a landlocked base, or mixing of stormtroopers.

    Looks like Vader's personal troops got the cheap military surplus cast offs

  3. Well I'm in a position to start putting my kit together and was wondering what is the best way of attaching the shoulder straps to the chest and back plates.


    Am using Tony Barnetts webbing method to attach the actual pieces together but its the straps I am enquiring about.


    Do people use industrial velcro or glue them in place?


    Am aiming for the ANH look with floating strap at the back.



  4. Just thought I'd share mey newly arrived Doopy Ultimod E11 with you.


    Is excellent hasbro mod :). Am VERY pleased!


    Do want something more screen accurate in time but this is nice lightweight blaster for trooping


    Will add more photos soon


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