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Mostly Harmless

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Posts posted by Mostly Harmless

  1. Hi Guys,


    My first set of armour is due to arrive ina couple of weeks but I still need a blaster and holster.


    Any ideas where is the best place to get one, preferably in the UK to avoid additional shipping costs? I think I'm going to struggle enough with putting together the armour so I'm really looking for most of the work to already have been done on the blaster, rather having to scratch build one.


    And is there anyone on FISD that makes holsters?



  2. Given the reviews I've seen already, I guess they are, but just to be sure.....


    are all of the bodysuit, neck seal and gloves from stormtrooper undersuit dot com suitable for the CRL requirements of the 501st? Finally got my armour sorted so want to get the other things I need before it arrives.


    The site looks pretty good, but don't want to buy stuff that's not fit for trooping.


    Thanks folks!

  3. Hi everyone in the FISD


    I joined the UK Garrison forums over the weekend. I've been made to feel very welcome and have gotten some great advice about putting my first TK together.


    However, they've said that you guys at FISD were the experts. So here I am, hoping you can prove them right.


    If anyone has any advice at all, I'd really appreciate it. I am a complete novice! Please feel free to PM me too.


    Look forward to speaking with you and hopefully trooping soon.


    Thanks for stopping by.

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