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Posts posted by Tirilia

  1. Any helmet would work for you. It's just a matter of building and padding


    Thank you for taking the time to comment.. but Id have to disagree there... the larger helmets literally sit on my shoulders, if I lift them, I cant see out of the eyes *lol*



    Yep, any helmet works. But if you're short like you say you might want to stay away from the larger helmets like AM, MRCE, eFX and ANHv2.


    Yup, Im short like I said. I can stand on tiptoe, but I cant hold that for long.. and I dont like teasing myself.. "Yay! Im taller! Im - *fall* Aw. :("

    Thank you for giving me those names to rule out - that is a Huge help, I didnt know the ANHv2 was one of the bigger ones - now I can rule that one out too. Thanks :D


    I think my previous helmet was similar to AP. Does anyone know the rough dimensions of this one? Or where to find more details on them?

  2. Hey there folks,


    I need your help :)


    My old helmet, fitted me perfectly.. but being HIPS, it started to yellow.. so I turned it into an awesome signature helmet.


    Now that I'm putting together my AM kit, I realised that Im missing a bucket!


    Problem is, Im out of touch with the helmet types, and have no idea of comparative sizes.


    I'm 5'7 (female and trimmed my AM down HEAPS)


    I have a pretty tiny head.. so I pretty much need to know which helmets are the smallest :)


    For reference sake - I tried my fiance's MRCE - the top of my head is clear of the dome by about half an inch, but it actually rests on my shoulders *lol*


    My old helmet had these dimensions - 30cms high, 97cms around (over dome, horizontally down the face, across the opening and back up to the dome [360 degree])


    Looking forward to the opinions!




    (and Ive looked through http://www.starwarshelmets.com/fan-made-stormtrooper-armor-submenu.htm .. not sure how up to date this site is?)

  3. I have to add that as a girl, jodhoppers are difficult enough to find without forking out for a $200 pair of colorado's or professional riding boots..


    Even finding a pair of $20 mens workboots with a low enough heel was impossible!


    I now have a pair of these TKBoots.. honestly, I want to wear them Everywhere they are that comfortable!


    For anyone still wondering, they are indeed 100% white leather, and softer and more comfy than any pair of $200 boots you'll find in stores.


    Also, whilst caboots have been known to tear (being plastic), these have held up through troop after troop after troop with just a light white-leather polish applied after each troop.


    And at their price, you just cant go wrong.

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