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Posts posted by Bengine32

  1. On 3/10/2010 at 3:47 AM, RogueTrooper said:

    Hey Ben,


    The Rubies armor was made more in the style of the ROTJ armor and if you are going to try and mod it, you are going to have a lot of work to do o get it to the ANH style. The Rubies armor has a trim around certain areas of it and to get it to look like ANH you will have to sand down the trim molding that the suit has, to get it like the ANH. This means you will have to paint the suit, get new hand plates, helmet, etc.


    My suggestion is keep the suit or sell it and possibly (if your budget is tight) look into getting an ATA or maybe an AM kit. In the long run you are going to spend the same amount of money trying to mod the Rubies to get it up to snuff.


    Here are some of the links to some people who have already modified the Rubies, so you can kind of see what you are going to have to go through:


    http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=5642&st=20'> --------


    Ok where can i get these sets and whats the difference between ata am or fx. Sorry im just new too this.

  2. Well i live in ohio and i got a set of rubies armor cheap. So I made some mods and what not, But its still not good enough for the 501st. So i was told too go here and get some help. I'll put some pics on here, and if you can tell me what I need too do. I know i need a new chest plate and abdominal/ COD peice. Im shooting for the ANH style of armor. Any tips anybody???







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