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Posts posted by forceful1

  1. I just got an FX kit. I watched Daves garage - who by the way is awesome. But it freaked me out a bit because he is maticulous with the assembly that if I go at his pace, I am afraid it will take me a month to put the kit together.


    Reality check; I need it assembled by Next Wednesday - and I really may have only one hour a night till then.


    Can I do this? I am not that great with tools and glue. Velcro is my friend.

    How can my local Garisson Liason help?



    Greg :unsure:

  2. Ever since I can remember, I wanted to dress up like a storm trooper.

    I finally got the money-guts to buy a "501 Approved" set of armor on eBay which I am questioning whether or not is actually 501 approved. Can anyone here let me know?

    I bought it from this English chap here:




    If it's not the right one - I will send it back and buy armor from someone else. I hope that I can get the advice I need from digging here on this site.


    If you have any advice, I'm all ears - and reporting for duty.


    Best -


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