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Posts posted by Fox1196

  1. And to think i was considering buying this armour when i first got interested in becoming a TK. Still we live and learn and i learned that there are a lot better makers out there. Research was the key, oh and the very helpful people on the is board and at the UKG who showed me the light.

    Yeah i know its not the greatest but its good enough for me. i do plan to sell eventually and get a better one but for now it'll do just fine

  2. pandatrooper said:
    There's a tutorial on here that was bumped up today re: painting the chin / vocoder portion of a helmet.




    I think citadel paints for miniatures are water based acrylic, is it not? Check the can or bottle.


    Personally, I prefer enamel (solvent based) paints for plastic, but that's up to you. I would just suggest going to a hobby store and getting a bottle of Testors black. They only cost a couple bucks. Painting it by hand isn't that hard.

    thanks for the advice. i did spraypaint it. it looks good, not smooth but it looks good. i do plan to update though. choose the paint u suggested

  3. no one is blaming a person for making a genuine mistake.

    hell - I've bought recast stuff w/o realising when I 1st started too.


    the problem I think lies when you start really gettin into this hobby and if u ever decide on getting more TK or other SW based armour. Loads of helful sites like this - and remember research research research is key.


    also you are already part of a 501 Garrison, another impt step - surprised a more experienced trooper on your end didnt warn you abt this guy.


    I NEVER make a buy now w/o quite extensive research. Even a google search would suffice for well known recasters. My impression of this section was for people to ASK questions abt ebay armour, get verification etc before buying. Not to post - "this person is a good ebayer". Especially when there is information readily available that he isnt.


    I am more worried by the people who - even knowing something is recast- still decide to go ahead and support the recaster anyways. And believe me - hard as it is to believe, there are people like that. Thats just plain ole wrong.


    ultimately - as EVO says, there is no legal recourse, but at least we should hold ourselves to a firmer moral code and protect our armour makers.


    good luck with your build!


    I would go with E6000 too - but remember, it does take abt 24hrs for the glue to set.



    lol i didnt know what recast was until a few days ago. sorry for any confusion. but i think i got a good kit for what i paid for(other than the helmet of course)

  4. Awesome, glad to know it doesn't suck THAT bad :)


    One question though, do you know what material it's made of? I wanna make sure I use a glue that's not going to damage it. And not to worry, I've already bought my own industrial velcro :P


    Now to try and get this tracking number...

    lol the helmet BLOWS like un even, MASSIVE, and the places for the stickers are un even

  5. I've dealt with him as well. My experience was....dubious, terrible, horrendous (pick a word)....at best.

    lol i got a good set. was NOT impressed with the helmet though , and he skimped on the arrators. gave me these plastic nobs u had to paint instead of the normal crome ones. everything else was good though

  6. OK so I feel like a Sarlaac Pit.

    I'm a bulky guy so I have to expand Biceps,Forearms, thighs and calves. I measured a lot and I started to put my velcro on. Little did I know that the velcro I purchased was NOT Industrial grade. UGH :angry: . Now my dilema is this... Do I use what I purchased, get the suit done and come back at a later time to upgade as a"Mod" or... spend more cash and get the Industrial stuff now?

    Am I the only one that has made a mistake like this?

    Definatly go for industrial

  7. hello everyone, new member from L A area here. I've lurked for a long time and figured its about time to join in, I'm about 3/4 done with my TD, just in the final detailing now.


    first thing I want to say, thank you to all the prop guys and their hard work that we get to enjoy, and to everyone else here sharing knowledge and opinions. I've read a bunch of the forum for awhile now, and have learned a ton! I look forward to more participation with this community.... and enforcing peace on our galactic citizens.... :D

    Hey man. welcome to FISD

  8. Hi. i found my armour for a good price on ebay from a seller called stormtroper_shop_uk . Heres a link <a href="http://myworld.ebay.com/stormtrooper_shop_uk/" target="_blank">http://myworld.ebay.com/stormtrooper_shop_uk/</a> . I got mine for 490$ with shipping (this is canadian dollars so like 430$ U.S.D). Its a Recast, but the only real problem with it is the helmet, everything else seems to be fine though


  9. This is a dangerous section. :angry: I don't like it at all. Not the debate, but the fact its here. This is a trooping community, not a prop one, and at that one that is tentative to even be here. Leave it to the "propsafe" drum beaters. :rolleyes:


    I know I have been slammed for my views before, backed the wrong horse once... but really...


    This is just going to get ugly.


    I have been around long enough now to have seen both sides, have my opinion changed and everything else. When Uncle Gorge pulls the plug... WE LOSE.


    This just adds fuel to that fire.



    If you all don't think he is watching... your all naive. This IS his paycheck. I say we SHUT UP and TROOP. ALL armor makers need to remember that none of us have a license. That means, short and sweet, no room to complain at any level. If you want to get a set of big boy pants that comes with the license.


    Yes, go to those you trust. Never changed that view I have. Thing is WE as a community are getting far far to bold.


    WE HAVE NO RIGHTS. NONE. Modified, improved, cast, recast, sold the "rights", sculpted, CNC'd, paprikura, based on... any other excuse I can think of. Bla Bla Blah. Its all not yours.


    No one can stop recasting. The Pandora's box is open. Education is the key. Quality and trust yes... top notch. That comes through research and talking to troopers that know things. Ebay is flat out evil, but again... LFL is gracious enough to let us even sell stuff. Try that with DC or Marvel. Good luck.


    We have lost our minds. Dig a bomb shelter. Hide. PM only. No Origin threads at any level. That is my vote.


    Bootleg is bootleg.

    I agree almost completely

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