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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Fleetfang



    Hello proud troopers of the FISD. I don't often post on the detachment boards, so for those who don't know me, I'm Brian Troyan, Midwest Garrison Commander and Legion PR Officer. I had a small hand in helping with this project two years ago. Although I got to help with the boots, I played more of a broker role as things got started up, since Carrie Goldman reached out to the Legion PR department, having established a relationship with us when the story of "Katie the Star Wars Girl" being bullied first hit the internet. 


    Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to make another bullied little girl's life a little brighter. Recently, I've been in communication with Carrie about the Legion-wide anti-bullying initiative "Heart of the Force" which is just getting started up (see here! http://www.501st.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1008181), and in the course of one of our conversations, I mentioned the daughter of a couple of Midwest Garrison members named Allison. Allie gets picked on a lot. It started with a Spider-Man lunchbox, much like Katie Goldman's Star Wars water bottle. She used to love school, but the bullying has gotten so bad that she stayed home 17 days this year, feeling afraid and helpless. Her parents have met with her teachers and school officials, but nothing ever seems to get better. 
    The thought crossed my mind that Katie has had the Anti-Bullying Armor for almost two years now, and that maybe this was a good time to see it returned to the Legion where it began, so that it could get into rotation and help other kids. Since we had been talking about Allie, and since Allie is about the same age as Katie, I sent Carrie an email, asking if Katie might be ready to pass custody of the armor on to another girl who needed a boost. I was a bit surprised that she got back to me so quickly and that they would be honored to pass the torch to another bullied little girl. 
    I wish that I had run this past you guys here in the FISD first, but to be honest, it all happened so fast... I floated the idea to Carrie on a Thursday, and I knew Allison would be at a big event we have at Soldier Field less than two days later, but I wasn't sure if the armor would even fit her. There was so much to do to line it all up, and I was only just thinking about making Allie happy. I hope you guys can accept my apology for not clearing the loan to Allison past anyone in advance. Seeing an chance to help her, I leaped before I looked. I didn't consult with anyone about it, not even Allie's parents, so if there's any blame to hand out here, you can put that squarely on me.
    While on a Legion Command conference call that Friday night (the night before the event), I drove two-hours round trip to Katie's house to pick up the armor bin, running into a dance studio five minutes before they closed in order to buy a new leotard to add to the kit (since Katie had always worn her own with it). I had already learned that Katie had worn the armor "hard" and that the helmet would need a few minor repairs, as well. I was told that the lenses might be missing. I called Gazmosis and asked him if he might be able to help out with that, since I knew he'd be at the troop, as well. We came up with a plan (and a backup plan) to make sure everything would be taken care of, but as it turns out, I didn't have to cannibalize the lenses out of my old FX bucket. The kid-sized lenses were still in the bin, and I was able to re-install them without too much fuss. I also reinforced a crack on the edge of the bucket opening that night. 
    Other than speaking briefly to Gaz', nobody else knew about what was in store. And like I said, I didn't even know for sure if it would fit her, so it might all have been a bust.
    But everything was as set as it could get, and the next morning, Allison was totally surprised and ecstatic to be able to suit up with her older sister and her mom. Katie Goldman and three of her friends had even drawn up some cards voicing their support for Allison. Luckily, Gazmosis was there to help her get into the armor. Since he was the lead builder on the FISD/MWG team who put everything together, there was absolutely nobody more suited to helping her step into the white boots. As it turns out, the armor fit like it was made for her (at least for now... if her sisters are any indication, she will be sprouting up in the next couple months, and will outgrow the kit in no time!). She came away with some armor bites, but she's a tough little kid and has been through worse.
    Allison's mom was extraordinarily proud and grateful to see her daughter so happy... and she was a little floored, since she had absolutely no idea that I'd arranged anything.
    Allie and her whole family have known all about the armor project since it began, and I made sure that Allison understood that it is only on loan to her until she outgrows it, when it will revert back to the Legion and get passed along to another child who needs it. (Since Gazmosis lives nearby, I think he will make an excellent safe-keeper for it.)
    I think that Carrie may be writing a blog post about the armor soon, but I wanted to make sure that everyone here on the FISD heard it here first. 
    I'm really glad to see the armor back in circulation after so long. It represents a promise to protect the littlest fans from a sometimes cruel world.  The smile on her face and the feeling of belonging among the troopers that she's looked up to for her whole life was priceless, and I can't wait to hear about the next child who will inherit the armor once Allie outgrows it. 
  2. There's a reason why the PDF isn't linked yet :) Good catch!


    Ingrid, if you could email a final draft of the FISD tri-fold to the Legion PR Officers (pro@501st.com) for final approval before issuing it for distribution, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


    Nice work on the newsletter, Tom!

    But if I'd known that the Lurie Hospital event was going to be publicized on the FISD, I might have worn my TK, rather than represent the Scruffy Nerfherder that day. ;)


    Cheers, troops!

  3. It was a long, hard road filled with drama and suspense, but we were able to pull this off in only about five weeks from when Carrie first contacted Dean Plantamura and me about it. Just absolutely fantastic work, troopers. Enormous thanks go to the other Build Team members who answered the call to action and were so willing to trim, glue, rivet, velcro, and snap together a dream for this little girl. We couldn't have found a more energized group of stormtroopers to do this, and I'm so glad that when the call was put out, that each one of you brought every ounce of your passion and talent to the project. I count myself lucky to been able to trim a few pieces and finish the boots; I just wish that I could have helped more.

    To each and every member of the FISD who gave their time, money, materials and encouragement to make this happen, thank you from the bottom of my heart.


    Todd, I'll send Carrie a reminder about the Galactic Academy and send her the email you provided. I'll also make sure that absolutely any time that Katie wants to troop with us, she is more than welcome to armor up! :)

  4. Thank you for spearheading this here, Tom!

    PayPal sent!


    I'd like to add that Carrie has been a great supporter of everything that the 501st Legion does since we came to Katie's defense two years ago. The MWG recently helped Carrie to launch her book "Bullied" at a Chicago suburb Barnes & Noble, and Carrie made a $250 donation to the American Cancer Society for our "Making Strides Against breast Cancer" walking team as thanks. The Goldmans are great fans and friends of the 501st.


    Here's a photo of some of our troopers with Katie at the book signing, including EIB TK-4541 "beans," who will be one of the troopers working on Katie's armor.




    Go Team Empire!

  5. Welcome aboard Jon! If you're just starting out, you'll probably be best off getting an FX TK kit. It's the classic standard. Not the best quality, but certainly the current best bang for your buck. In fact, I think someone on one of the current threads today has posted a notice that he's selling his.


    Find the message board for your local Garrison (go to 501st.com and search geographically from there) and get in touch with local troopers who might be able to hook you up with some assistance locally.


    Julie is right that there are lots of TK resources available here at whitearmor. I find that it's usually good to click on the Today's Active Topics on the forum home page to see what's up for a given day.


    Good luck!


  6. Jeff!

    As a new member of the Midwest Garrison myself, let me be the first of your garrison brothers to welcome you to the 501st. You should probably head over to the MWG boards and introduce yourself over there in our "Welcome Mat" forum. I'm in Chicago, but we have many troopers in Wisconsin, and a lot of great folks who can help get you started.


    May the Empire be with you!

  7. Howdy, Ryan, and welcome aboard!

    I'm a native Texan myself, relocated to Chicago. I highly recommend heading over to the Star Garrison boards and introducing yourself there. Their Member Liason Officer should be able to point you toward someone who can hook you up with an armor kit... Or at the very least someone who knows someone who can.


    Better yet, get in touch with the South Texas Squad of Star Garrison. Having some hands-on assistance when building your first TK is invaluable!


    Gig 'em, brother!

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