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Posts posted by shorty

  1. Hi all,


    Thanks for the welcome and the tips! The Internet sellers do seem kinda dodgy - thanks for the heads up!


    I'll have a bit more of a look around the forums and hopefully find a TK armourer. I'm short on time but willing to spend some money on armour so that I can get into some actitivites with the local garrison. I just chose the TK as a start, but I'm willing to learn to make some outfits myself in the future (as long term projects), particularly as my little boy (currently 2 years old) starts to get an interest in Star Wars - my husband and I are Star Wars fans and I don't think the little fella can resist the lure of the Force... :-)




  2. Hi All,


    This is my first post at FISD. I'm hoping to get into some Stormtrooper gear - still researching whether to build or buy. I'm very much leaning towards the buying as I don't have much time to make the armour.


    Anyhoo, any pointers on good TK armour suppliers would be much appreciated!! I'm looking forward to getting into the suit and trooping with a Garrison in Australia. :D




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