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Posts posted by scott

  1. Butah,

    Thanks for the advice, but i thought research is what i am doing at the moment. It's all good to read stuff, but i need others opinions who are in the know! If i could physically see and touch all the different helmets it would be an easy decision, but as i cant i need to rely on you guys who do know what is best.



  2. Hi all, this is my first post and i am happy to be a member.

    I am fairly new to the helmet side of star wars, i have a large collection of figures and vehicles started in about 1978 though.

    Getting to the point though, what i want to do is to have a full size storm trooper in my lounge room. I.e a manikin dressed. The suit must also be able to be worn occasionally by myself of course.

    My first task is to get myself a helmet, but not just any helmet, i want a fairly accurate one!

    What i want to know is what helmet is the one to get, as i realize there are many options and the more i read the more confused i get! I know there will be differing opinions, so tell me which are the most accurate i guess.

    Lastly i know where there is an altmann's cheap at the moment. It's a 1996. Are these worth getting?





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