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Posts posted by Delta-98

  1. Interesting. But is it needed to say "Star Wars character"? I mean, why dress up as any character? Robocop? Iron Man? Batman? Pokeman? Winnie the Pooh? A French maid? An early 1900s gentleman? Are the underlying reasons not all the same?



    I understand your point, but I am thinking about people that dress up as Star Wars Characters, because of the effect Star Wars had in their lives. To grow up with the idea in mind, and yearn to be able to have your own part of that universe at the reach of your fingertips, and to be able to become a part of international groups as the 501st, or the Rebel Legion.


    But yeah, I guess the motivation would be kind of the same to someone that dresses up as Batman, or Iron man, now, French maid, not sure, lol. I guess it would be interesting to learn why a person dresses up like Iron Man, perhaps he or she just loves costuming, or loves the art and talent it takes to make a costume like that, or perhaps they just like the characters y mentioned. I guess that in the end, the motivations are bound to be kind of similar.




    Thanks a million, I am trying to find common ground on our motivations to do this, and it seems we are on the same page. This hobby opens quite a few opportunities to do things otherwise we might not be able to accomplish, it is like a personal achievement in some levels, but that allows us to share with others.


    I appreciate both your comments.

  2. Hey,


    I am thinking about writing something about this in the future, and I will be asking the same question to several other groups I am in that share your enthusiasm with the Star Wars Saga.


    So, the question is?


    Why do you Dress Up as a Star Wars Character?


    I guess I should go first.



    When I started with a home made Mandalorian Armor, I just did it for fun and because I like Star Wars, but after some time, I found something else, a group of friends from all over the world, a way to bring happiness to other people, like children and some others not so young.


    For me it is always another way to share with my kids, since they love the saga and we dress up together. And it provides a escape from the day to day things.


    When a kid gives you a hug at a convention or at a hospital or at any event we participate, that is life changing, because in their little eyes, you are that character that they love so much, or that Star Wars character they just learned that existed, and ask you questions such as, where is your spaceship? or, do you work for Lord Vader, or, would you like to come home with me?


    So, I guess I do this because it opens doors to do some other things that I would not be able to do if I was not part of this awesome group of people.


    Thanks for having me.


    And, May The Force Be With You.

  3. Thanks man, it is a work in progress, I am still working on the Jetpack. The helmet is a Don Post, the shape is nice. Colors are based on the Yellow Female Mando, and the Skull is glued to the helmet, not painted as well as the kill marks.


    Looking forward to finish it.


    Thanks again.

  4. Well, you can always start a to do list. That is what I do. Now my son wants a Mando, so I already started to work on it. I will start with the jet packs first.


    Costume Mandos are the best, my Boba Fett has taken me years and still I have not met 501st standards, but with a costume you could joing the mercs.

  5. Awesome!!!! And you already have her going with you, my wife is kind of harder to convince. You have won more than 85% of the battle. But I am sure that once she has a taste of it, she will be hooked, this is addictive!!!!


    These are some pics of the Mando Armor I am working on for her. I made the armor plates with a mannequin I got on ebay. The other plastic parts are made out of PVC. The helmet is a Don Post that cannibalized.


    I do hope I can get her to put it on at least once, I would love to have a picture of all of us dressed up!!!!






















    It is a work in progress, I already made the gauntlets and the Knees and shoulders and a little cape, all I need to do is have her put it on!!!!!!! So I can finish it.


    Love your pics, SW Families are the best!!!!

  6. Hey, you do have your own Garrison, lol.


    The dancing trooper kills me, lmao.


    You should approach your kids to troop with you, mine even puts on my costumes with every chance he gets.


    As for my wife, well, it took some convincing on my part, but she finally agreed and I am making a Mandalorian female for her, it is almos finished!!!!


    Now the real trick will be to get her to wear it, lol.


    Nice picture!!!! That is what I would like to do, even only once.

  7. Hey Chunk, you cannot imagine how much I laughed when I saw the little dancing trooper!!!! lmao, I had to save it!!!!


    I do not know, there is something about a TK dancing that is just funny, even if it is a gift.


    Thanks for your comments!


    We are also working on a clone trooper for my son, that is big project since it needs lots of work, he is not of the age yet for the 501st, but he just loves the hobby. When I have it ready I will post some pictures here as well for you guys to see.


    We already finished the helmet, here is what it looks like.


    This is the original Head the costume hand when we bought it.




    This is the head it has now.











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