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Posts posted by usul45

  1. Hello mate, I'm fine, working hard casting moulds for the new TK armour release.

    I haven't sorted the calf out yet. But it doesn't seem such an issue now I have a set of moulds taken from a screen used suit of armour. I'll just Replace it with pone of my pieces.

    Awesome to hear, anything like that is so far beyond any of my skills. Thanks for the update.

  2. I don't know you and have not stated I think your are Matt. I suggest you get your facts right and get yourself to specsavers.

    Well well. So sorry Fireblade it was actually Troopermaster not you. But you guys do have the exact same avatar so easy mistake. Do you forgive me, can we go back to being buddies? Do I "have my facts straight" enough to be spared your wrath? He he he.

  3. On 8/1/2010 at 11:36 AM, Murray1134 said:

    This is me (I'm the TK obviously :) )a few months ago at Free Comic Book Day. I'm about 6'-1" and probably in the 220 range at the time.


    My construction is a bit weird and different from others I have seen. I don't have any straps connecting the kidney and ab plate, instead my shims which close the gap between the front and back are helping to keep everything tight and in line. I hope that makes sense.




    I have seen some larger troopers who are able to make the armor work. It really is just finding a way that works for you and fits you.

    Looks great Murray. Do you have any elastic holding the chest and back together? Did you notice any issues with those two pieces?

  4. Darth - That's a good point but not having your experiance I was not expecting this, and from the sound of it neither was the OP. I'm not upset, now that I know, but had I opened the box and seen that I'd be a tad concerned.


    And as far as being a blemish I'd say this is "an imperfecton that mars or impairs" regardless of how it was created.

    You , and me=same page.

    Thanks for the tips everybody I'll keep you in the loop as far as my fixing. it.

  5. What do you mean? I dont get it. Are you talking about the seams in the injection molding process?


    Good God man is that what that is? Holy crap your right! I just got out my good light that's the freakin' seam. Uh....I'm even less happy now. So what do I do sand it down? Cheese on a biscuit truck I see them everywhere now. So I'm either colossally stupid or I'm REALLY used to better quality lids.

  6. Did anybody else get their EFX Empire lids today? Want to compare the "strangeness" of it. There appears to be stickers covering the entire helmet. The stickers appear to be giving the helmet its shine. Anybody know whats up with that? Mine is a bit wonky above the aerators.

  7. That is such a pretty gun. Somewhere around here I have a picture of myself holding one we found on a weapons raid in Mogadishu in 1993. I remember grabbing it out of the pile and thinking "Holy crumb that's a Stormtroopers gun" Dang thing was heavy that's all I remember. Way to go I hope you will keep us up to date on your work. Thanks!

  8. Yea real nice helmets, now I just know how you will react to this, but were there really any biscuit helmets in ROTJ? I remember Matt's logic for it but he was wrong. I checked with Jez and he doesn't think that there were any in that color, that they are simply mistaken for older and yellowed helmets. Wondered what you thought about that. (without attitude of course) Still not really sure myself. The logic was that they were yellow for the death star scenes because of the lights, but then of course all you have to say is the suits were not yellow in New Hope, so....

  9. Well I'm a bit fat, and what I did was actually take a piece of elastic and used velcro to attach one end high on my chest plate and then low on my cod piece. This allowed me plenty of movement while keeping the chest from riding out. I also used the same trick on the back plate this allowed me to keep everything where it needs to be. I'm working on my side plates as we speak. I can show you some shots of how I did it if you like. Not perfect but hey it works for me.

  10. As with all things where there is a market (black though it may be) there will always be snake oil salesmen to take advantage of it. While it is commendable what you guys did, and no offense meant here, it didn't really accomplish much did it? Ebay is about money always has been always will be, so long as he pays his posting fees he's going to get away with it, and if he does get shut down he'll start again under another name. This might be a good time to say something about the wonderful armor from Museum Replicas...oh wait...what is it now 3 years and counting?

  11. I remember when I owned this helmet it was really great. I used to wear it around to Birthday parites, but then one day someone stole it. That's right they came into my space shuttle and took it right off the seat. I was really bummed, but then I heard it was up for auction so I bid on it, alas my bids for my stolen property were refused. It seems these guys don't take space bucks. :angry:

    Just thought I'd have some fun, and helmet drop a bit.

  12. That mail is from 4 weeks ago.....the last email i got from him.



    "You know, you are piing me off to no end. I have a sick wife and a sick child at home. I did not sleep last night or the day before. I will get your quote to you when I get the time. I also spent all day on the phone trying to get my unemployment benefits extended.


    I am not in the mood to be pestered"


    I wonder if you are in the mood to be pestered yet? After all how much time have you spent trying to get the product that you alreeady paid him for?

  13. :D If it is pushy to wrote an email twice a month or so .....yes than i'm a pushy customer.

    If i read SSKunky post, i think it was good not to pay for the shipping again to get my stuff. That would mean another 50 bucks were lost. That was his last excuse from him. He already has sent my SFS to me but it returned in bad shape. Now he certainly dont want to pay the shipping twice and i would have to do this. As i said i would only do this if he would send it insured he has no time to get a fracking shipping quote to me. He certainly thought i wouldnt sent him more money and forget about this damn lid :rolleyes:

    And what is really funny. As i ordered the SFS on his site he told me its been the last one he has (if i remember right), but that would mean we (i and SSKunky) would have been paid for the same helmet LoL. The tragic is, no one of us will ever see his SFS.....maybe it was just a picture of an SFS, maybe he sold it to a third party which i believe. Why dont selling the same shucks more than one time and getting much more money? :rolleyes:


    All the guys who are waiting on stuff of him.....do you still have your emails from him. If so,, its pretty easy to see for the police that he hasnt send the stuff we are waiting for. In the last mail from him he told me that i'm pissing him off. But i see his point. How can i have any rights to ask the great man for a paid helmet after over one year. Understandable he is pissed :rolleyes:


    Post the e-mail where he says your pissing him off. that's freaking classic, you want your stuff, but your pissing HIM off? Jeez. This has moved from the tragic to the tragically comic.

  14. Wait a minute, there is no way Matt has not sent you guys your stuff. Unless you were all dinks. Were you mean to Matt? You know how he hates pushy customers. I think that he would have just sent you all your money back as I have heard that he does that when he feels your pushy. This is simply strange there must be some logical excuse for all of this. I mean it is simply impossible that he would have stolen all this money from you guys. I mean his best friend says he is a great guy who just doesn't like to have to deal with jerk customers. I'm stumped here guys. <_<

  15. really torn on this, any shot to old uncle george is a nut buster good time, but this is interesting. It makes you wonder about the nature of art. Since it was made for a movie its not art? But isn't the movie itself art? AA was paid for his services, and that was the end of it, he was paid to create in plastic something someone else wanted him to create, I simply do not understand how he thinks he can come back 30 years later and start making money off of it when all he ever did was get paid to make it. If I work on the assembly line at Ford do I get to make my own Ford trucks later and owe nothing to the parent company? Heck no. :angry: That's my angry face. i actually have the exact same argument against comic book artists getting their art work back. you drew pictures of Batman, and were paid for it why do you think then that you can sell those same pages you already got paid for again? I just wonder why exactly AA thinks he CAN sell Stormtrooper Helmets and armor. Why does he believe that his yanking them off of a vac form table instantly means he owns them forever? Look if he had sculpted the things first I might go along a bit more of a ways with him, but he didn't.

  16. How do you file charges against someone when you are both involved in an illegal purchase?

    the transaction is not illegal per se, Matt re-casting from copyright works and making money off of them is, but the purchaser isn't liable...wait a minute my brain just froze. :P I guess what I want to say is this, if I make a Death star commander helmet (as an example) and choose to sell it to you, and then take your money and run, I am still the more legally at fault member. I think, I guess, oh heck I'm spit balling at this point, truth be told if Matt has the money and never delivered its still theft, no matter the product so long as the product isn't contraband, (pot and so forth) the legal copyright issues are not really in the mix for the local DA that will prosecute Matt for theft.

    Almost made some sort of sense huh?

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