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My DLT-19 project


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I'm up in the great white north. I did get in touch with him and the model is really nice. 


has anyone tried printing it out in it's entirety yet? Michael any more pics?

He's in Hungry or Croatia, so a bit of a time difference if you're in the states

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I'm up in the great white north. I did get in touch with him and the model is really nice.


has anyone tried printing it out in it's entirety yet? Michael any more pics?

I haven't printed it out yet...my printer is being stupid. I'll get to it at some point.



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I'm up in the great white north. I did get in touch with him and the model is really nice.


has anyone tried printing it out in it's entirety yet? Michael any more pics?

Here's my current progress:




Still need to fill some gaps of my own creation and fix a few small printer issues. I'll be starting in on the barrel in the next few days.

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This is looking nice! I look forward to seeing the final product.


What sort of build area would one need on their printer in order to successfully print one of these beasts?


And if you don't mind, what's the approx price being asked for the model files?

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This is looking nice! I look forward to seeing the final product.


What sort of build area would one need on their printer in order to successfully print one of these beasts?


And if you don't mind, what's the approx price being asked for the model files?

I'm working with a 8x8x7 build area on my Monoprice printer. I've had to split several large pieces already, but it's nothing glue and sanding won't solve.

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I'm working with a 8x8x7 build area on my Monoprice printer. I've had to split several large pieces already, but it's nothing glue and sanding won't solve.

Hmm. My PrintrBot Simple Metal has a 6x6x6 build area, although there are upgrade kits for the X and Z axis available to bring it to 10x6x10. Think I would need to move forward with the upgrade, or could 6x6x6 do a reasonable job?
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I feel all inadequate now with my diddle little printrbot play. 4x4x5. Lots of cut for me!

Yeah, you're going to have a ton of gluing and sanding. My experience with having to severely cutting down a weapon, is that putting it together can be tricky. The first one I did was the Fusion Conduit Rifle from Destiny, in ABS. Many of the joints didn't line up well because of the warping and shrinkage. It took a ton of bondo and primer to get it looking right. After that I started printing my weapons in PLA, but with extra walls for strength. If it cost more in filament because of that, so be it...less work for me in the end. Good luck



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Just realized the model doesn't have T-Tracks... Any suggestions on where to buy them or how to make them?

I think I saw something in the sales thread...some one sells them. I also might have another avenue. I'll get back to ya.



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I think I saw something in the sales thread...some one sells them. I also might have another avenue. I'll get back to ya.



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I was directed to a T Track model on Thingiverse. Downloaded it, cut out a curve based on the radius of the barrel, and printed a small chunk to test the fit:





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I was talking with Máté, and he mentioned someone asked him to design a trigger system for electronics. Since he's never done it, I sent him this idea which is one I've used in retrofitting other models. Rather than on a slide system, is on a hinge hitting an endstop to actuate it. It's what I'm going to do to mine when I'm ready to print it out.




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I was talking with Máté, and he mentioned someone asked him to design a trigger system for electronics. Since he's never done it, I sent him this idea which is one I've used in retrofitting other models. Rather than on a slide system, is on a hinge hitting an endstop to actuate it. It's what I'm going to do to mine when I'm ready to print it out.

Ah man! I didn't know you'd have electronics!   :jc_doublethumbup:

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Not sure if he's updated any more parts, but just a heads up that the right leg file is just the object's shell without any interior. Took a print gone quite wrong to realize that. Thankfully running it through the Repair function in Netfabb corrected that.

Edited by jonhaag
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That's unfortunate...however, since this is his first attempt at modeling for 3D printing, I'm impressed how well the model turned out.


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Yeah, I'm super impressed with it. Definitely some parts that you can tell are not fully thought out in a 3D printing context, but there hasn't been anything a little creative and thoughtful slicing hasn't fixed. It's been an excellent learning experience considering I only got my printer a month ago - great opportunity for me to learn things that work/don't work when printing and how to use several software tools.


I've been emailing him today to let him know about the right leg bit, and also giving him some additional feedback on updates he's making that he's shared with me. He's going to be publishing a new model, T-Tracks included, soon. :)

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