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A tutorial on how NOT to do return edges

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I love to experiment!

It doesn't matter if it works out or not, the majority of the times things don't even turn out nearly as I first thought...

HOWEVER once in a while I have a brake through and everything turns out perfect..

Unfortunately this is not one of those times..


I know there is a great tutorial out there on how to make perfect return edges with a heat sealing iron but since I'm on a budget and like to experiment I thought "You don't need an iron for that" It turns out that, "Yeah you probably do.."  ^_^


But you learn from mistakes so I'll post this NOTDO.. The tutorial of how to NOT make return edges with a candle, baby knife and a whole lot of nail polish.  :mellow:


My thought was quite simple, I heat the knife and put it where I want a return edge and press











Ok so it wasn't entirely a failure but with a hobby iron it would look tons better.. I did however save a few dollars and with some sandpapering I will probably get it to look ok :)

But to conclude this is probably not a very good way of fixing the return edges although I'm not very skilled or handy it will be hard to get this to the same level as a hobby iron. 

Note also that the plastic is flammable and don't do what I did "Oh look a hedgehog, lets focus on the hedgehog and entirely stop thinking about the chest plate hovering a few millimeters over the candle" It did create a quite realistic laser burn though  :P



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