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Finding Hasbro E-11's?

Ranger Z

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In the fall I cleaned out all three local Targets for the E-11's (each store only had one). On line they more than twice the price if you can fins them. Does anybody know of on line source or other chains stores that carry them?



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I have found two on craigslist - $10 for each. Picking one up tomorrow, the other one is down the road in SA...might have the in-laws pick that one up if the seller won't ship to me. Of course I found the 2nd one AFTER I ordered my Doopys upgrade kit...so I will have to order another one & it will arrive afterwards. I have my full Doopys that I am going to get started on this weekend, so I have plenty to do while I wait - armor is over a month away to ship.


Two other sources I would look into are Goodwill and garage sales - kids grow out of/break stuff and it sometimes makes it to those places instead of the trash can...

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The reason you see other Star Wars blasters more often then the E-11s is they are shipped as an assortment much like action figures are. You will get a box that contains 10 blasters but only two will be E-11s, since at this time the clone blaster is more popular with the kids so more of those are shipped in a box. And for this same reason a store may be out of E-11s for a long time is because all those blasters need to sell down enough for the system to order new boxes, and that may take awhile. so when you see one don't hesitate or you may be waiting awhile to get another one.

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